The impact of expressive arts is profound. I am doing morning pages as suggested by Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way, and following the direction of my Expressive Arts mentor, Rachel Weaver. After “going wild” on the the theme of sisters, as instructed by Rachel, I found deep wells of inner pain related to chaos and the desire for order. These times challenge our ability to handle chaos. May we all dig deep in the search for common humanity, forgiveness, and kindness.
Getting to Grace is still in a queue to be formatted by Touchpoint Press. I am working through a revision of my current work in progress, unnamed, with the fabulous help of Beth, Michele, and Rhonda, who I met at an online class at Wordsworth, and my writing partner, Bomani. I am definitely a people person. Working in partnership is my gig.
On with the day! Imagine a world without racism. Make a plan. Start the journey.